I Have a New Hobby

And now that vacation is over, I am going to try to post more often as I miss all of you. I’m not sure I have anything interesting to say right now so you will just get the “life” updates. Weight wise I am maintaining right now but gearing up for a new “clean” phase starting on Monday. I’ve let a little of the bad stuff back into my life with vacations et al but come Monday for 4 weeks it’s going to be 100% on track again. I like how I feel, how I sleep, and all that other good stuff. It’s worth the struggle in the beginning to stay on track. Exercise wise, I need to get that increased for sure. With the clean eating, my inflammation in my hip goes down, therefore less pain, which means I am to walk more and sleep better. So now that I’m back into walking, I’ve got to add some strength training into the picture. Have I mentioned my Grandmother is going to be 100 in a couple of weeks? Yes, 100 years old. She even has 3 other siblings so longevity runs in the family. My Aunt is worried she will live just as long, silly lady. I hope you are all doing great and that you have a wonderful weekend!

Healthy Stuff

I know. It's been a while. I don't have any decent excuses I'm afraid. Shall we just say life and leave it at that? Ok a little expansion. Life has been interesting. I finished Uni and the sense of relief was overshadowed by one of fear as various other things decided now was the time for their voices to be heard. At which point I had to do some very hard and grown-up things. Never really my forte but there we are. The result of these grown-up things left me feeling tired and low. It was also not a fun thing to blog about. Unfortunately it was the only thing in my life which meant that blogging took a back seat. As a person who finds it hard to discuss the more frightening contents of my head, no really, I didn't mind losing various methods of communication. I didn't have to talk to anyone. Now I'm past the crap, I'm feeling more communicative. I'm also thinking about this blog and what I want it to be. The direction I'd like to go in. This all feels a little like navel gazing. Recently I've been trying to develope some good habits. Now may be the time to take them further and really make some changes. I'll let you know.

Good Days

An Amazing Lady

Meet Annie Glenn, wife of former astronaut and senator John Glenn. How many times have I casually ignored her in pictures featuring her husband? Annie is an amazing lady who deserves attention in her own right for her accomplishments. Annie was born in 1920 and developed into a stutterer like her father. She was considered an 85% stutterer. For 53 years she struggled, unable to carry on a conversation, give directions to a cab driver, take her children to the emergency room or go shopping without someone to speak for her. In 1973 she enrolled herself in an intensive therapy program that changed her life. At 53 she found she could carry on a conversation and do all the things she'd never been able to do before. She blossomed and her new life began. Her stuttering is not gone but she's now able to control it. She had tried other therapies before the one in 1973 but had minimum results. She went through the 1973 program twice and continues to see a therapist twice a month at Walter Reed Hospital. She practices every morning on the telephone. There are signs next to her phone at home that say "Take a full breath, relax your throat, keep the sound moving." I've always admired John Glenn but I admire him even more now that I've learned Annie's story. He saw past his childhood sweetheart's stuttering and loved her anyway. He saw greatness in her. Look them up on YouTube and watch them talk about Annie's stuttering. Annie is 92 now and John is 90. What a couple, and what a life they've had together.

Different Ways to Lose Weight

Most of the people who want to lose weight for the purpose of keeping themselves attractive or presentable will exercise and control their diet. If you want to lose weight this way, you should introduce some changes in your lifestyle and attitude towards life. A person who does not find time to spare for physical exercise may not be able to get the desirable results from this method. He/she should be patient enough to wait for the results. You will not see the sudden results that you see when you go through a crash diet program in this method of weight loss. One has to modify his/her diet before he/she resorts to this method. If possible, it should be done with the help of a dietician. Exercise program should be done under the supervision and guidance of a physical trainer with experience. He will help you to fix the right exercise programs the suit your physical and health condition. The result that one gets from adopting a combination of exercise and diet control will bring you the result that last when compared to other programs.