The Cosmetics of the Smile

A beautiful make-up of the lips simply does not consist in quickly occurring a little lipstick in front of the mirror the entry. Between the care intended to preserve a beautiful mouth, and a perfect, natural make-up or more sophisticated, the lips claim that one devotes a little time to them, as well as the remainder of the face. Explanations and expertise of Karen, make-up girl at the Lancome Institute, Paris. If there are small white skins on the lips, one can make roll some grains exfoliates on the mouth, to eliminate them. It is necessary to proceed in delicacy, underlines Karen. To the daily newspaper, I recommend to the use of a complete product who repulse, hydrate and gum the wrinkles. It should be used the morning, ten minutes before being made up, but also the evening, it will act thus during the night. The use of a nutritive care which will be used as fixer is recommended for the good final behavior. One applies it after the treating balsam. It can be white or slightly rosy and makes it possible to obtain a more luminous result, in particular under the lipsticks very checkmates, explains Karen. It is then necessary to underline the drawing of the contour of the lips, with a a soft lead pencil. The first allows a layout Net, in particular if one wants to cheat to increase his lips. The soft lead pencil is based under the lipstick and makes it possible to hem them naturally. The following stage consists in posing its lipstick, with a brush preferably much more precise. The make-up girl also recommends the installation of gloss on the lipstick, when one wants to bring volume. The mirror effect which it brings makes it possible to give of the relief the lips. If one wants a result even more luminous, I advise to pose white a make-up key given luster to in the center of the lips, in top and bottom, under or on the gloss. Another easy way to obtain a make-up perfectly Net, to pose a little product on the back of the hand then, with a brush, to pass a very small quantity from it on the contour of the lips, above the layout of pencil.